Iqra Education Society's
Dr.Shahin Qazi Urdu Pre-Primary & Primary school 0257-2271925
Mehrun, Jalgaon, Maharashtra 420551, India.

Chairman's Message

It is a matter of great pleasure to know that Iqra Education Society’s Dr. Shahin Qazi Urdu Pre-Primary and Primary School is going to launch a website.

It’s the need of time to make use of modern technologies and keep ourselves updated. The website is a very easy and effective mean to let the parents and others to know about our updated status and activities.

Therefore as the chairman of the said institute, I am sure your effort at launching the website will surely delight the parents and other viewers and make them well aware about our performances and activities.

I wish all success to the launching of this website.

Dr.Mohd.Taher Sk.Haji Ab.Rahim
